Q: Why should I order a Clearbox background check?
A: Clearbox is the most generally accepted background check in the appraisal space. Our system allows you to create your entire approval package in one place and share it across multiple clients.
Q: Why can't I just send a PDF of a background check to my clients?
A: Most clients won't accept that practice as it isn't secure. A PDF can be Photoshopped.
Q: How do I request a background check through Clearbox?
A: Go to www.clearbox.com and do the following:
- Click Sign Up in the upper right corner
- Follow the prompts and complete the requested information carefully and thoroughly. NOTE: The credit card used must match the name on the profile that is being created. This is to ensure the privacy of the requestor and to protect against identity theft.
Q: How much does it cost to request a Clearbox background check?
A: The background check is included with an annual plan starting at $59.99. Clearbox background checks expire at the end of a one-year period. You will receive a reminder to renew prior to your expiration date. Background checks must remain up-to-date in order for your profile to be considered active and searchable.
Q: How do I receive/view the results of my Clearbox background check?
A: Your results are instantaneous and can be found on your Profile page (located on the left navigation menu when you are viewing your Dashboard) under the header Background Check. This will take you to a page where you can either View, Make Viewable, or Dispute the results. If you desire to make your results public (aka, searchable) to lenders and AMC's on Clearbox, be sure to click Make Viewable.
Q: Can I provide Clearbox with a background check that was obtained through a different source and have it added to my profile?
A: No, we do not accept background checks from outside sources. Appraisers are required to request a separate one via the Clearbox site if they would like to make their information available to the lenders and AMCs that utilize Clearbox as a platform for fee panel management.