If you desire to make your profile public (aka, searchable), be sure to make your background check results viewable. Your results were instantaneous and can be found on your Profile page (located on the left navigation menu when you are viewing your Dashboard) under the header Background Check. This will take you to a page where you can either View, Make Viewable, or Dispute the results. Making them viewable is how our subscribing lenders and AMCs will be able to locate your profile.
Additionally, when logged into your account, you may invite someone to view your profile/background check by clicking PROFILE in the black bar at the top of the page, then click SHARE PROFILE. This will open a dialog box which will allow you to send an invitation via email.
Lastly, if you want to broaden your exposure to our lenders and AMCs even further, you may want to consider getting CONNECT. To learn more about that product and it's features, click here: What is CONNECT and why should I consider ordering it?